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Sunday, January 8, 2012

You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.

Just when I think I have run out of things to discuss, my world surprises me. We have been looking into finding a home with a foundation, and we had narrowed it down to a particular one of interest. As we drove past one night we discovered it was no longer available. Well, it's okay we say. Our home is fine for now. We can make due for a bit longer. As we pile into the "house" and begin to prepare things for bed, I turn on the faucet. Huh, no water. The lines froze. All I could do was giggle. Just when we decided everything was good, something like this happens and we must bite our tongues. So needless to say, we had no water until the following afternoon. Try explaining to a four year old why he cannot brush his teeth...
I have recently learned that Aphids and Stink Bugs are one in the same. I just thought they were hell on plants, but somehow kept finding their way into our house- by the droves!!! Good thing we never aggravated one to the point of "stink," eh? Who knows how that would have gone in a nine by three house!
It is skunk season near us. Inevitably, one will spray or be killed and the lingering seeps in everywhere. Especially when the walls are paper thin. I can't wait for skunk (or "stunk" as Asa calls it) season to be over. Wonder which season is next?