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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them...

So there's this smell emulating (emulating? No, that's not right...emanating, yeah that's it)...EMANATING out of the bathroom. It's worse inside said actual bathroom. Granted, I know the toilet-area is not a wonderful smelling place in general per se, but currently it smells worse than it ought to. I called the husband upon noticing said aroma and mentioned that the room smelled less than pleasant. His answer? Well what is it? How am I supposed to know that? All I know is whatever it is smells especially repugnant and that I would prefer it not to. He told me to go outside and drain the lines. I told him that he's funny. Outside is a "man" job. Inside is woman's job. If inside has a complication due to an outside malfunction, it therefore falls into the responsibility of the outside maintainer by default. It's in the by-laws. What he then said is that perhaps he left the sewer line open and maybe the smell is getting in that way? I don't know. I don't care. All I know or care about is that the foul smell cease and desist as quickly as possible.
There were leaves on the couch when I returned home today. Now, I am fully aware that I did not leave a window or door open from which leaves could blow in from. Nor are there any leaves other places than the couch. The culprit has four paws and long blonde hair and knows good and well he isn't allowed on the couch. He's yet to 'fess up to his crime. Though the couch is developing a gorgeous coat of fur.
Gray clouds are sneaking around the edges of the visible sky. I know they are toying with me. There will be no rain today. Unless, of course, I wash and wax the car. Which will also not happen today. Perhaps I will just continue to admire the light brown color of the majority of the grass and the nice green from where the kids sprinkler hits.

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