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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Procrastination prompts creativity...

The microwave is still dead. I called the company about it, but they need the original bill of sale in order to process the warranty. I completely understand, however the original sales receipt is in the bike trailer an hour away from here and if my calculations are correct then the time taken to drive and dig inside the trailer then return home and call, combined with the gas said trip would take, factoring in the gas and time it will take to bring the microwave in to whatever warranty work service center they determine and the time that will take to complete all adds up to it's probably cheaper to just go and buy another microwave and install it instead. But those are just my initial calculations.
I paid our first electric bill for this campsite. It was....wait for it....$32.98. Wow, impressive. The manager thought perhaps our meter was off because it was so low to which I said, "Heck no it's not! I've sweated my a$$ off for it to be that low!" Maybe a bit meladromatic, but hey! Just another example of the greed that has consumed our world.
My husband commented yesterday how impressed he is that we do not eat out very often and how many leftovers we've had lately. My response was that it was only because he moved us into BFE and that there are no restaurants nearby for us to visit. It's literally thirty minutes to the nearest form of civilization, and by the time he gets home at night I just do not feel like traveling. Wow, am I getting old.
The issue with one toilet/bathroom is rearing its ugly head. With all four persons now toilet trained (mostly), it is inevitable that more than one person will need the facility at the same time. I'm sending them outdoors if at all possible. Just because you've moved up North doesn't mean you left "redneck" behind.
We have a new enemy here at Casa de Gypsy: the Afids. They are brown, crawly, and everywhere. I have no idea how they get in, but they do. They cling to the outside screens, which is kind of fun to flick or blow them off. But when they get in my house, it's a whole other ballgame. There was one in my pants leg the other day. I've never jumped out of my clothes so fast before. Good thing I was at the house at the time.  Teaches me to hang dry clothes outdoors. I suppose I should be grateful it was not a spider. Why in the world do I have to cats if they refuse to earn their keep and keep these irritants out?
My poor microwave. It's face is blank, free of those informative green numbers. It's literally like a black hole gaping above the stove. Now where did I put that number....

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