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Thursday, September 15, 2011

You never learn anything by doing it right the first time...

As a beautiful client of mine said of this bipolar weather which cannot decide between summer and winter, "this cold snap is simply a 'commercial' for December.'" No truer words were ever spoken- this month, anyway. So what I'm getting of that statement is "keep summer clothes handy, along with your snowsuit." Can't hurt.
I got home at an abnormally early time today. The sun had not yet set, the kids were not yet cranky. However, what I assumed to be the onset of a lovely evening cascaded into me realizing the RV was tilting at an odd angle. So now, everything is leaning back and to the left (down). If you set a ball on the floor, it will roll southeast. If you set a drink on the counter, it will settle tilted down to the right. Normally I would worry about this since I fully believe that our attitudes, behavior, and mood depends on our equillibrium being just that. But since we leave in 36 hours, I think I will let this one slide. Literally. The cats don't seem to mind. The kids don't stand straight anyway. The dog thinks the floor is a playmate, rolling his ball away for him to chase. It could be a cosmic gift for him.
Last night it rained. I say this because when I looked at the forecast (alright, yeah, several, several days ago) it said "zero" chance of rain. Seriously. Zero. That's a pretty ballsy forecast for anyone outside of LA. So imagine my surprise when I walked outside yesterday and it was raining! What I suppose the forecasters meant was, "zero chance that our forecast will be accurate." I can't be certain. What I do know is that at midnight thunder and lightening woke me at 12:19 from a solid sleep. Actually, the thunder did the job; the lightening seconded the act. Also the cowardly dog (wasn't he in the Wizard of Oz? No, wait, that was a Lion) jumped onto the bed shaking. Always a good sign. I then proceeded to look at our internet phone (don't ask) to see the weather, which upon attempting to place back on the teeny-eenie bitty shelf (haha, seriously?) dropped onto the mattress and took a nose-dive between the bed into the 0.12532 inch wide crevace beside the bed and the wall. Which happens to be 2.7 feet back from where I can reach with my own arm and hand (what a math problem!) Good, great. This morning I was forced to use the Lowe's paint stick  (25 gallon version, thank you very much) and a pair of tongs to finangle this phone back into my grasp. Why, oh why, would the Puma creators put such an awkward space in a camper? I suppose for the same reason Congress votes their own pay raises...but I digress...
My children slept in my bed last night. It's a king sized bed, surrounded by a wall on two sides. One would think that if a person were sleeping in the center of the bed, flanked by two persons and walls, that the person would be relatively unable to encounter harm, right? Wrong. Apparently the three year old devised some sort of "sleep/dance/wiggle" that allowed him to escape the safety of the head of the bed and slip off the end of this massive cushion and slide onto the floor. With a thud. I'm not even sure if he is aware it happened, he simply climbed back up and proceeded to pass out with his toes in my nose. Horizontal. Head in his brother's chest. Almost cute, if I could breathe that is.
Okay. Tomorrow is our last full day here. Instead of being sad I insist on seeing the good that has happened here. Snowstorms, ice, tornadoes...WAIT. There was good.....there really was.....stay tuned....

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