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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The new math: Information retention divided at double speed when added to one mother times (x) children...

I forget a lot now. I mean I was never savvy at the who memory thing, but at least I was smart. Before my children existed I was quite the thinker. Now I can only hope to remember where my shoes are, nevermind where my cell phone (that is always on vibrate) is located. It amazes me that our home, which has successfully been divided into a quarter the size it once was, can mysteriously hide anything I absolutely need to find. Maybe it's an epidemic. My husband is suffering the same ailment. Come to think of it, so are the kids. "Where are your shoes?" "I don't know." How, pray tell, can one not know where their shoes are in a house the size of a jello box? These are shoes, not atoms! But I digress.
Winter is approaching. We have been forced to use the heater on more than one occassion. The arrival of winter shall bring once again my nemesis: humidity. Steamy windows and sliding doors, if anyone let their mind wonder they could think all sorts of untoward things were going on in the ol' camper. No no, just me cooking. Or hanging clothes to dry. Or breathing...
Our microwave died. It's not even a year old and it decided that working for us was too much to bear and that it could no longer go on living. I need to dig out the warranty paperwork, but it is such a pain in the a$$...
I also still need to change our address in an "official" capacity, but that hasn't happened either.
There is a mini golf course at this RV park, which we finally went to play. One child bent down to retrive his ball at the exact moment his brother decided to putt his ball down the green. Needless to say there were tears and bruising, but no blood or lost teeth. I'd like to think the little one did it by accident, but I am beginning to know better...Albeit the hard way, the older brother learned not to put his head near the business end of a golf club...more to follow...
I feel like I'm forgetting something, something that I needed to do....Oh yes! Off to pick the child up from school, stay tuned!!!

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