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Monday, June 6, 2011

Having one child makes you a parent; having two makes you a referee...

The problem with technology is that when you publish a daily online blog, not having the capability to get online seems to prevent the online blogging. Funny how that works. I lost my netbook hard drive a month ago, had to order replacement discs, and had a laptop and desktop to use in the interim. Or so I thought. The laptop's motherboard is making her exit and the whole pc will completely shut down without notice. The desktop has lost the ability to get online at all, plus it takes up an enormous amount of table space. So I had to wait for the netbook to be released from the "hospital" (read: Best Buy). Now on with more interesting tidbits of camper life.
We moved our camper a week ago to a new site. Same RV park, just a different location. My husband lovingly informed me that  we were going to pack up the camper, pull it out of the lot, drive it around, and then bring it back. His reasoning was to see how the truck handled the camper. What he didn't realize is how much work that created for me! Instead of ranting about having to tie down, secure, and move stuff around I'll simply say that the good Lord was on our side because a lot we had been eyeing opened up that very day and made all this "moving" worthwhile. Now. For two days prior to the move we had the privelege of acquiring a new neighbor who was all kinds of interesting. His RV was, well, of an older variety. He would sit outside the camper and face the woods (there's nothing there but trees, we looked). On several mornings he had his belongings set out in front of the camper with "for sale" and "yard sale" signs around his lot. It was special. Who knew you could have a yard sale in a campground?
Yesterday we had tucked the children into bed and settled in to watch a movie. The dog began growling. TJ took and put him on his lead and opened the door. The dog bolted outside, not realizing he was securely fastened to the steps of the camper (as he always is outside). All I heard was a loud "thud" as he reached the end of his lead. Luckily the steps were welded to the camper. But what I need to know is, what was he racing toward?
Grandaddy Longlegs are rampant at this site. They're harmless, and the only spider that will not send me into a tailspin, but they are EVERYWHERE! I hang dry clothes outside and have to shake and beat them before they come inside, because putting on pants and discovering extra legs crawling inside is one more thing that will put me in a straight jacket.
Oh. Yes. So we finally found the limit for the circuit breaker. It kept popping the other day. I had the A/C on and the air purifier on, and it tripped. We later found out it was actual trouble in the lines, not just ours, but I had some definite choice words for the circuit as it kept popping while the boys were napping!!!
We need rain. It's the third layer of hell hot here and dry as a bone. Sorry, I just believed that a post without a weather reference is no post at all. Au dieu!

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