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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What you want and what you get are often two different things...

It is cold and rainy outside. My spidey-sense tells me that the comfortable days of fall are past and nasty winter is on deck. Of course, my spidey-sense once told me to play the lottery. I didn’t win, so it’s proof that it’s been wrong before. I raked the leaves on Monday that had fallen and formed a nice carpet around the camper (because dead leaves are a fire hazard and fate is one thing campers -aka, matchboxes- do not need to tempt). I raked another round of leaves again on Tuesday. On Wednesday it looked as if I had not raked at all. Perhaps I should have waited until all leaves had made their escape to the ground before pursuing raking. Lesson learned.
The microwave is still broken. Perhaps it will get replaced this weekend. Don’t hold me to that.
The dog took off running across the campground and dove into the pond. It’s November. The pond is cold. So as he came home shivering (his fault, not mine) and smelling disgusting, I treated him to a nice ice bath/shower from the hose outside (again, his fault, not mine). Hopefully that won’t happen again. Don’t hold me to that either. And don’t tell PETA. Lord knows what evil names they’ll give me.
I recently found our extended warranty for the camper. It covers many of the things that I, or someone else, has broken. For example, the microwave, refrigerator, faucets, all covered by warranty. I did not see anything about the grates on the floor being covered. But it states that “normal wear and tear” is not covered. What constitutes “normal wear and tear?” Whose decision is that? I would like to argue that me pulling the cabinet doors off the hinges while opening them is not “normal.” Is that covered or do I just have brute strength? Just a question. However, I have deduced that by the time I get the “warranty” work on the microwave done it will be cheaper for me to just replace it myself.  Which should be this weekend….

Friday, November 11, 2011

Criminal (n): a person with predatory instincts, lacking sufficient capital to form a corporation.

I raked the yard on Monday. I put the leaves into piles around the camper. I raked again on Tuesday. I made each pile larger. Today is Friday and there is a plush carpet of leaves surrounding the camper mocking my attempt at raking. Perhaps I should have waited until all the leaves had fallen. I guess that is one thing you don't really learn living in Florida.
I should add that the microwave is still broken. Perhaps it will get replaced this weekend. Do not hold me to that.
For some reason our water smells heavily of sulphur. Rotten eggs dart up my nose every time I wash the dishes. The husband is aware of the problem and has made valiant effort to put it on his fix it "to do" list  fix. Perhaps it will get fixed this weekend. Do not hold me to that as well.