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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We used cat food to feed the catfish....

I love technical issues. They make my day much fuller than expected and always cause general mayhem in my head. Once I get something set up, such as the pc or printer, I expect it to be that way for life or until I choose to replace it. That does not always happen. My hard drive on the netbook crashed last week, taking pictures and documents into cyber graves with it. Wonderful. On the upside, it was still under warranty and shall be replaced soon. On the downside, I now have our desktop (behemoth) set up on the dining table. There's literally nowhere else for it to go. So alas, one more inconvenience.
Life has since begun spinning in the correct direction following the storms and the Texas/Florida trips. We are getting back to normal, back to prison showers and tiny spaces. The RV park filled up since we last were here. I believe there are one or two available spaces, but still everyone keeps to themselves. Some of the new guests are FEMA workers, which I find ironic seeing how they showed up to work two weeks after the disaster. Amusing.
It's cold outside. It's mid-May, why are we still wearing long sleeves and jackets? Did the hemisphere move? Are we in Canada? The Earth must be off her axis. I'm not amused.
So a funny story here unrelated to our camper, though I find it amusing and worth sharing. While we were at my grandparent's house in Texas I was discussing horses with my grandmother. As a kid I always wanted one, and recently told my husband I wanted one if we ever had enough land. I just like horses. So one night my grandfather comes into the house from down at his boxcars (yes, the ones that go on trains) and says, "we got that horse you were talking about." I thought I had heard wrong, but no I had not. A pony had wandered onto their property (30+ acres) and was wandering in the fenced in garden (fenced in, no actual gate). So during a thunderstorm my grandfather and I go out into the garden and manage to grasp the pony's bridle. We lured him up to the house (carrots worked nicely) and my grandmother made some calls to find his owner. He broke his chain during the night and wandered off, but the next day was back out in the garden! The kids got to pet him, and I was told his owner eventually showed up for him days later. But I love God's sense of humor to send a pony on a day we had been discussing them. My grandmother jokingly told me to take him home, though where would he go? In the back of my Edge to be stabled at the Space Center RV Park? That would be funny.
My refrigerator is quite bare, so I am guessing I am in charge of refilling it. That's fine, I enjoy grocery shopping. And that, my friends, is the statement that will get me into the funny farm!

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