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Monday, July 25, 2011

God made my children cute so I would not eat them...

I suppose the most interesting things occurred during winter. We've run on the same propane tank since Spring- well... sprung. And I've been cooking almost every night! I've learned to turn off the air conditioner when I use the microwave. If I don't, the power shuts off. Details, details. I also know that when I perform that series of operations that the temperature in the house goes from comfortable to right below boiling in about thirty-three seconds. Needless to say it's better to microwave at night.
Our new vaccuum is kicking a$$ and taking names, though our pet hair is definitely giving it a run for its money. Is it wrong to vaccuum the dog?
The kids have learned a new way to grate on my nerve (I'm down to one). They wrestle in bed at night before sleep and pull their curtain off the wall. It's most aggravating- both the wrestling and the curtain thing. The kids have also leaned on the dining table so much that it permanently leans to one side now. So heaven forbid a pea escapes off a plate, cause it's going down! I also have learned that my child will need to poop at the precise moment that I'm in the shower. I don't understand why this is, though part of me thinks he likes to ruin my shower with stink.
The cat made another great escape the other night. There's bigger cats than her in these woods behind our home, and she has no front claws. I truly do not think she thoroughly thinks things through. She's yet to encounter one, but it's only a matter of time.
I'm happy to report that those are the only things of consequence I am able to write about. It's been fairly quiet around here. Perhaps summertime truly is the best season to "go RVing" after all!

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