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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Unless you're the lead dog, the view never changes...

I believe Murphy never lived in a camper. Or perhaps he did, and that is why pretty much all of his laws pertain to my life at any given time. One cannot be certain.
We unhooked from our post in Huntsville and ventured...North? Northeast? I am not really certain, since Huntsville is, in fact, so very far north for a "Southern" state. What I do know is that a less than seven hundred mile trek from one state to another took far longer than it ought to. Saturday morning, straight out of the pen, the truck begins to overheat. This is not an F-150 mind you, nooo. It is an F-350, and it supposedly would pull anything. We discover via a phone call that overdrive should be deactivated for these type hauls. Things seem to be going fine until we hit the "mountains." Apparently our truck did not like towing an object in mountains, which had I known ahead of time I would have re-routed through more flatlands. So Chattanooga (less than 100 miles from H'ville) finds us pulled to the side of the road, hood open, coolant boiling over. This process happened a few ( X 50) more times between there and here. I would like it noted that I did not freak out or lose my temper once. I just smiled. Of course, having my house there (to include but not limited to my bathroom, refrigerator, couch...) made it much more bearable. And I'm certainly glad we alloted two full days to complete this "12 hour" journey. The lack of packing necessity also helped.
My view did not change much for those two days. I began to wish I'd mounted a flat screen TV on the back of the RV so I could at least watch a movie while driving waaaay under the speed limit and being forced to see nothing. (However, I know know there are seven red taillights, seven rungs to the ladder, and six siding sections on the rear of the RV, just to note). I began whining "are we there yet?" right around Richmond. And the answer was "no." I really miss Huntsville.
We now live next door to a pasture. The nearest "town" is close, though it looks like it hit its "prime" some eighty, ninety years ago.
Our neighbor decided to take a sledgehammer to his metal bumper on day one. During lunchtime, which is naptime. While all our windows were open. Really.
The water pressure is...low. Taking a shower feels know when you step outside and feel water drops  but it's not hard enough for you to think "gosh, it's raining?" Okay, slightly more than that. But only slightly.
I took my laundry to a facility yesterday at noon to wash. At two thirty the large front loading washer was still washing my clothes. I began to get worried. The washer, it seemed, was holding our clothes hostage. An hour later the hostage crisis was resolved and my clothes were free to dry. This Virginia thing is not off to a great start.
Today I made my way into the nearest city in search of this great gym I had heard about. I waltzed off and forgot to get the GPS out of the truck and apparently decided subliminally I didn't need our internet phone either. Thirty minutes later I was lost. Thank goodness I have friends on speed dial with computers who were able to save me. Maybe OnStar wouldn't be too bad of an investment after all. I kept thinking that the folks behind me must be angry with my slow driving, only to get angrier when they noticed the "Alabama" plates. Folks up in these parts don't take too kindly to "dumb Southerners" slowing down traffic!
I have resumed command of the home and all of its inner workings. One could tell that by looking at my counter loaded down with dishes. Clean and drying. It's a testament to my cooking every meal again.
On a positive note, we did find a butcher local so we can purchase meat there at a fairly reasonable price. They did have some questionable things in there (pork parts slathered in gelatin, ugh), but I dared not look too intently...

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