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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I hope they serve beer....

A balmy 9 degrees is what we awoke to this fine am. That's not a temperature- it's barely an age! I knew it was cold in the night as I stretched my arm out and touched the outer wall with my hand and the cold woke me from a dead sleep. Yikes! Our sliding door was frozen shut as we tried to let the dog out. It's funny, he really needed to go out and couldn't understand why we weren't letting him! And with that fur coat he wears, this weather is probably about right for him!
T-minus eight hours and counting until we hitch up the camper and head....south? Not really, it's more like a crescent down and around to get across to Alabama. And guess what? It's really cold there too! Snows, or so I've been told. So far this adventure has been much like the Bible- stuff starts going wrong pretty much immediately! Exodus anybody? But with each new uh-oh we learn a little more about what not to do. I can only assume that's how the cavemen did it- trial by error.
The husband is quite sick. As I rub the crystal ball I foresee many hours of driving in my future! Good thing I have Sirius. I love talk radio. Teej tells me he didn't realize he married an 80 year old white man. Talk radio and comedy. With all that talking, you think I'd enjoy commercials more....
 On a different note.
My grandmother told me that you could have twelve children, though I'm not sure why I would do that, and that no two would be the same. Truer words have rarely been spoken. The four year old is smart, sweet, and mellow (unless instigated by his brother). The three year old, by contrast, is bullheaded, stubborn, aggressive, and fearless. As I write this Ethan is relaxing on the bed, while Asa is running and sliding and falling down from stem to stern of the RV. Yes yes, I'm certain chopping their play area by 3/4's was the most intelligent idea....
On a darker note...
As I am writing my heart goes out across the country to a family that had to say goodbye to their furry family member this morning. KC lived twenty full years of his feline life, and went to kitty heaven this morning. Because of that I have made sure to give a lot of petting and cuddles to our three furry friends to remember that life is fleeting and moments must be cherished....

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