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Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's always sunny in Philadelphia.....

My dog is a retriever. It's in his nature, the very core of his being, to retrieve. Yesterday afternoon while I was relaxing on the "sofa," he whines at the door then runs to me and whimpers- and goes back and forth a few times. I assume there's dogs outside he wants to play with, so I get up and look. Nope, two deer are less than a hundred yards from our door. So, trying to be a good mommy, I put him on his lead outside figuring he could go to the end of it and at least watch. The dog takes off like a flash, I watch as the lead comes to an end and then effortlessly he snaps his collar off and jets off to chase the deer. Of course I'm yelling at him like the crazy lady I am, but to no avail. The Navy officer in the RV next to us comes out of his home and helps me to catch Titus. Maybe just to get the crazy lady to stop yelling, who knows. Grrrr. It's amazing to me that even my dog knows that it is better to ask for forgiveness (after the fact) than to ask for permission! But that was yesterday...
In other news....
I do not claim to be techno-proficient in any way. Why in our home I'm the one responsible for the computers is a mystery to me, but I am. Somehow in my savvy-techie attempts to fix the netbook, I managed to mess up a few programs. Instead of being able to Skype last night with Jonah, I spent hours trying to uninstall and install the darn thing- to no avail. Today I took it in to Best Buy and thirty dollars (and forty-five minutes) later have Skype working on the pc, but still get nasty messages when I try to use Word. Can't win 'em.
On to other musings. I love the gym. I do, I truly enjoy working out. I hate cardio. I would rather have every ounce of anything sucked out of me by a vacuum with no anesthetic than ever do cardio. I really, really despise it. Ask my workout buddy, she'll tell you. I'd prefer to lift every weight in the gym- including the racks, and deal with the muscle pain that would follow than walk even a minute on a treadmill. I have to find a new gym next week after we move down South. This is not something I'm looking forward to. Especially since I like to jump and dance around and act like a cartoon character to keep up my momentum- new folks might not understand that at all!
The RV still leans to one side. I think it's starting to affect my balance. Who am I kidding, I do not possess balance or coordination. I gave those to my kids. Along with my memory, sanity, and any intelligence I previously held. Well, now I'm off to prepare for TJ's going away at the company. Gorman called me and asked if TJ was right or left handed. It's such an odd question that I'm a little concerned about what they could possibly be doing for his plaque which that information would be pertinent! Fingers crossed!

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