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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's like rain on your wedding day, it's the free ride that you just didn't take....

I certainly try to follow the rule that one should try to find the humor in any situation. Even when certain situations may not call for humor. My children received wonderful LeapFrog pens (the ones that read the stories to you) for Christmas- one a piece. I am grateful for the gift because as the gift giver said so eloquently "We hope that their mother's love of reading passes on to them." So today, three days after we get home from our Christmas excursion, I sit down to download the necessary, um, stuff? to the pen readers. Just plug in, enter the website address, and voila, right? Well, three hours and a few choice outbursts later I have the book audios downloaded and onto the reading pens. Three hours. Three grueling hours serenaded by the three year old's haunting rendition of "I want to play" and "I want apple juice" (one of my daily favorites) directly in my ear as I'm trying to convince the computer that I know what I'm doing. I am astounded that the military base police have not been summoned to our campsite to find out why I am beating my children. Which I am not, but for as much crying and whining goes on in here you'd think they each received hourly lashes which would induce said noise. Perhaps I should order that straight jacket for the moment when "I want apple juice" finally forces me to snap and an aneurysm to burst forth? On the bright side of this adventure, we have found a happy medium to counteract the freezing of the pipes each night- just in time for it to warm up! Shut off the outside water and run only on water that is kept in the RV's freshwater container. Problem solved! But with every positive there must be a negative. I have broken the drawers in the bathroom- TJ says I pulled with too much force and ripped the metal holder off the back. I also completely tore off the doorknob to the back bathroom. We have lost random screws daily to God knows what, with no idea to what they must be returned to (so I just throw them away, probably not the best idea?) The microwave has a rotating plate which I found our Monday as two bowls of spaghetti o's rotated into themselves and spilled over. Such an exciting discovery. And for every amount of dirt I sweep or vacuum out an amount equal to or greater will be brought back into the unit at double the speed. Seriously considering a Roomba, though I haven't figured out how to broach how the $200 investment would positively affect our lifestyle subject to the Teej. Plus, with my delicate touch the technological wonder would only last at best two weeks before I broke it. And that's a best guess scenario. So I believe that is all for today's update, and now I am off to the gym work the remnants of the holiday bounty which have become afixed to my bum and middle parts.

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