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Monday, August 22, 2011

Get all the fools on your side and you can get elected to anthing...

Had I been smarter, I would have had the back toilet removed and placed a washer/dryer instead. The toilet in there has been used not once except to hold boxes, while a washer would have earned its keep ten fold. You know what they say about hindsight.
My nine pound cat has made it her mission to disrupt each night's sleep until one of us is dead I believe. She has taken turns laying on our faces, only to be launched across the room. Honestly, that cat has seen more air time than Tony Hawk's skateboards. She lays on the pillow and purrs. All night. I did not request a vibrating pillow. I would remember something like that. While I'm on the subject, this cat also licks the blinds. Licks them. Why? Ugh, so disgusting.
There are a finite number of showers that can be taken before the shower floor fills with water. Apparently 2.3 showers can be enjoyed before the lines must be drained is the best I've figured it. I have also learned that someone in this house will need to perform a less than stellar-smelling bathroom activity seven seconds before I am due to shower/put on makeup/fix my hair. Normally the announcement involves a smallish person tearing a$$ through the camper announcing loudly, "I GOTTA GO POOP," occasionally holding onto their bum. On the other occasions a not so smallish person simply locks themself in the facility, no announcement necessary.
The dog likes to sleep in during the morning hours. Seriously. He lays in front of the drawers that I certainly have to open and pretends like he doesn't see that I need to be where he is. You call his name, nothing. Punk. Ask him if he needs to go outside, nada. It's like having a four legged teenager.
My husband is off work this week. As I look around I see toys, blankets, and other odds and ends strewn about. It's like a mini-hurricane crossed through. And guess what, I'm not cleaning it up....
Okay. I give. Off to clean up the mess.....

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