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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at...

No matter how flexible one tries to be, no matter how readily you can adjust, change is permanent. I don't like change, which is amusing considering my home has wheels. Last fall I put our couch on LYS and three days later, when it was sold, sat in the middle of my living room and had a meltdown. I do not like change. A dear friend laughed years ago when I began my life's change and said, "oooh, Misses 'does not like change' is not gonna like change!" She was right. Which leads many to ask why I married a man in the military. Because. 'Cause sometimes forces are out of your control! But I digress...
I get to man the "fort" on my own for a while. I'm getting a laundry list of things to do, and another list of what to do if and when those things go wrong. This can't end well. I suppose the good news is that it is neither tornado season nor snow season. Perhaps the fall shall be peaceful, though I can only hope.
I recently had to fill out a form for my son's school. We had to identify our dwelling situation: home, apartment,or transient...other. Checking "transient" and "other" should draw a few questions. What else could I have said?
Earlier on during this adventure I had the husband WD40 cabinet doors so that the ever-loving squeaking would stop. Apparenly that is not an end all fix all to a squeaky situation. Our bathroom medicine cabinet opens at decible levels reserved for rap concerts, and that's not a noise one wants to hear at 6 am. Between that and the 22 pound cat giving a dissertation of the night's events upon TJ's waking, mornings have become less than peaceful. Why in the good Lord's name does the cat have to have fresh water from the sink spicket at 6 am when all one really wants to do is relieve one's self at the other facility? I was once told that if you talk to your animals enough that they will learn to "talk" back. What they didn't say was how to get that animal to shut up!
Today I began my quest to become a superb coupon clipper-saver. We stopped by the neighborhood paper machine, bought a Sunday paper, and I settled at the table to clip away. When I discovered the manufacturer's coupons had been removed from my paper, I was upset. I got into the car, drove to the gas station and (after letting the clerk know how I felt) opened the paper machine for a proper paper. I filed through the papers in the machine to find none of the five had any coupons. Boy was I hot. Who does that? Takes all the coupons from the papers?! I have to believe that the Huntsville Times simply did not include manufacturer's coupons in this week's edition. Otherwise, really? Is the economy that bad that someone took them out of every paper?! Hmph.
We had the pleasure of having a grownup night out Friday night. A lovely daughter of one of my favorite client's agreed to sit for us. I explained our current living situation and watched the mother's face register an "excuse me?" look, only to hastily explain the unique joy we experience here in camperville. I don't truly know how our sitter felt, only that she inquired, "are you ever going to live in a house again?" as we approached. We stayed out until 11:30 and began our short drive home. At midnight I was close to sleep, and Saturday I awoke in a fog. When did this happen? When did I become unable to function as a human being if I don't get to sleep by 10:30? When on Earth did my adult curfew become dark-thirty?! I can remember a time when I consistently watched the sun rise before my head hit the pillow. Nowadays I consistently watch the sun rise as I greet the day! Adulthood, schmulthood. Take my checkbook and wrinkles and give me fourth grade recess again, please!!!
Maybe I'm going about this right after all. Maybe since at such a "young" (cough cough, laugh) age we are living with retirees in RV's, perhaps I'll get a second youth? Or, more likely, maybe I'll just be better at Bingo and cross-stitch. You never know....

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