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Friday, February 25, 2011

Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed...

Our water is hooked up to what I can only assume to be well water, as the temperature that springs forth from the tap is the same temperature as Arctic waters with icebergs and polar bears. As I've wondered before: if the temperature is in direct correlation to the weather outside, should I prepare for boiling water temps in summer flowing from the "cold" side?
Yesterday went well. We received a note on the door from park management indicating we were in for severe weather with "tornadoes likely." If history is any indicator, God hates trailers (and RV's are included in this category). Where else gets more tornado damage than trailer parks? Nowhere. We did prepare just in case we needed to seek "sturdy" shelter, the tornado sirens did sound at 11:45, but no tornadoes. Thank goodness. Who wants to flee their home in the middle of the night in rain?
But before the joy of bad weather occurred in our humble home, we had nice weather which allowed the boys to go outside and play. It was during that time that our youngest son's artistic side decided to show itself. I walked around my car to find the small criminal standing guiltily aside my car, stick in hand, and scratches on two doors. The only words i will use a this time to express my feelings were horrified and furious. But he's still alive and breathing need to call social services. It's just metal, right?
Today was laundry day. I managed to gather enough quarters to wash four loads and dry three. I was one, count it one, quarter shy of a fourth load to dry. Twenty five cents shy!!! So as I write I look around the inside of the RV and bear witness to articles of clothing hanging to dry. Hey, hanging clothes to dry worked before electricity right?
Well, we are contemplating dining out this fine evening. Depending on the mood of the troops, we may have to postpone that adventure and eat in. Wouldn't be the first time!
So we managed to successfully go out to an Italian dinner with the whole family! It was peaceful and yummy. AND as an added bonus I discovered that one of Murphy's Laws is actually true: you will find something in the last place you (would never think to) look. I reached into the pocket of my leather jacket at dinner an produced four coins: a penny, two dimes, and A QUARTER! Ugh! If only I had thought to look there earlier!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

And on the eighth day God put Murphy in charge...

Today I have a case of the "I don't wanna"s. I refuse to say I'm bored because as I look around I see plenty of stuff to do. Dishes in the sink, laundry in a basket, floors that need cleaning. But I just don't wanna. It's gray and overcast outside, which probably adds to this mood. Very much blah. Thank goodness for Girl Scout cookies. I believe Thin Mints are definitely gonna help cure what ails me!
I just won a staring contest with my cat. He blinked first. In all honesty I can't say he was aware of this contest, and I am pretty pathetic for admitting to staring at my cat. I wonder what they think about this current living arrangement. If only they could talk. Not all the time, mind you because knowing my luck they would never shut up. Just on occasion....
We need a new vacuum. The slim 3-in-1 little number we have just isn't cutting it. I have to go over and over and over spots trying to pick up yuck off the floor, and end up bending down to get it up with either my hand or a pet hair remover roller. It's quite unproductive, working harder not smarter. I should invest in a vacuum company, maybe make back a little cash we keep having to fork out to replace one I destroy.
I did learn an interesting little tidbit of information the other day. A plastic container with green beans inside that is not properly closed will make two thirds of an RV smell to high heaven if left in the refrigerator too long. Now THAT'S knowledge I can use! Thank goodness it's been nice out, windows open was definitely the only cure for that stink! Perhaps it is time to get to cleaning....after a nap, of course.....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

If you can't fix it with duct tape then you haven't used enough...

Apparently I found the station for the crazy train, bought a ticket, and jumped right on. Destination unknown, but something tells me they have straight jackets upon arrival. At some point I readily agreed to leave my large house with a fully fenced in back yard and separate bedrooms with doors that locked and move into a much smaller dwelling which does not have a fence or doors that lock or any privacy whatsoever! Perhaps admitting that I agreed to do this works against me in my insanity defense I foresee pleading in the coming months. Who knew. In the past months I have not slept past seven a.m. on any morning of the week and have been woken to various announcements. I quote: "Mommy I want apple juice" (yelled at optimal high levels), "Mommy I want two coins" (at an equally loud decibel), "Mom turn on AB Kids" (less of volume, a little confused on the request), and "Mommy my diaper has poop." I have no lock on my door. My door does not latch nor reach the floor, and closing it does no good anyway since this fine home we reside in has the noise conductivity of a concert hall.
I gave up any sense of self preservation when we left our home with a foundation. I have not had any time to myself that did not involve darkness outside or the strong desire for sleep. I seem to remember my children being able to entertain themselves not long ago, though that time has apparently come and gone. They're so needy! It's always something! When I don't hear my children's voices I hear other voices...this can't be good, can it? Perhaps the men in white coats cannot be too far off.
Perhaps I just need a good soak in a big tub. Alas, until that time comes I will continue to pray for sanity in whatever amounts the good Lord sees fit. Who knew it would take less than three months for the adventure that is RV living to catapult me that final distance into crazytown....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Some people are wise, and some are otherwise...

We are sanctioning a fur exorcism. Not a killing of all things with fur, just banishing the endless supply we seem to have. There's so much! I mean, we've always had hair/fur all over the place but now that our living space has been cut into what- a quarter? There really is hair everywhere! I joked that I was going to purchase a Roomba, which understandably makes me look lazy, but it will take a drastic measure like that just to stay on top of this situation! Unbelievable. I also broke yet another vacuum. Since we said "I do" I have managed to work my way through three, THREE, vacuums. Just file it under "crap I break" and call it a day.
The weather finally let up. We have been able to open the windows for the past three days. It has definitely helped with the moisture. I keep feeling like we are being lulled into a false sense of security by mother nature, like the rug will be ripped out from under us any second and snow will fall. Sometimes it pays to be a "glass half full" kind of person.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just about the time we can finally make ends meet, somebody moves the ends...

It's a beautiful day outside, so I took the time to shoo the boys outside and finally get some things done inside. With so little space, every ounce of matter created by another body takes up valuable space I could use to be productive! And that's called physics, or something like that. My son took time out of his busy schedule of creating messes both in the floor and in his pants to remove a cabinet door from the wall. Just yanked the door, screws and all, and left it dangling. I'm impressed, it proves he wasn't switched a the hospital! I also learned this past week that the RV supply stores carry everything an RV owner could or should need- except for the few items I need. They do not carry the correct size grate which I need to replace the one which my high heel plummeted through on New Year's Eve. Figures. It is just a daily reminder that I am not the graceful being I once believed I was.
We are busy gearing up to watch the big game- or rather to watch the Superbowl ads and endure the football that takes place in between them. I love football, but my team was out eons ago. It's still a good excuse to drink beer, and I'm always on board with that. Because the gods were indeed good to us today and made the weather bearable, we are grilling chicken out on the grill (a good place to grill, wouldn't you agree?)
It snowed yesterday, but just light flurries and nothing to stick. If I didn't know better I would believe it was the End of Days because of the weather, but I'll try to think positive. I wonder what we will do with all the money we save when we don't have to burn through propane just to stay warm?
So far I really miss my washer and dryer more than anything else. Except maybe a bathtub. No, the washer and dryer are number one. Perhaps I could feel a bit better if the laundry facility offered washers that actually got clothes clean and dryers that took one cycle to actually dry clothes. I gave up and have shirts hanging around the inside of the RV drying and some pants on a sweater rack outside using God's dryer instead. Improvisation is key.
Well, I suppose I'll be thankful that nothing major has happened in the last little bit. I should thank my lucky stars and save up some of that positive energy for the next big oops. It's only a matter of time!