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Saturday, February 19, 2011

And on the eighth day God put Murphy in charge...

Today I have a case of the "I don't wanna"s. I refuse to say I'm bored because as I look around I see plenty of stuff to do. Dishes in the sink, laundry in a basket, floors that need cleaning. But I just don't wanna. It's gray and overcast outside, which probably adds to this mood. Very much blah. Thank goodness for Girl Scout cookies. I believe Thin Mints are definitely gonna help cure what ails me!
I just won a staring contest with my cat. He blinked first. In all honesty I can't say he was aware of this contest, and I am pretty pathetic for admitting to staring at my cat. I wonder what they think about this current living arrangement. If only they could talk. Not all the time, mind you because knowing my luck they would never shut up. Just on occasion....
We need a new vacuum. The slim 3-in-1 little number we have just isn't cutting it. I have to go over and over and over spots trying to pick up yuck off the floor, and end up bending down to get it up with either my hand or a pet hair remover roller. It's quite unproductive, working harder not smarter. I should invest in a vacuum company, maybe make back a little cash we keep having to fork out to replace one I destroy.
I did learn an interesting little tidbit of information the other day. A plastic container with green beans inside that is not properly closed will make two thirds of an RV smell to high heaven if left in the refrigerator too long. Now THAT'S knowledge I can use! Thank goodness it's been nice out, windows open was definitely the only cure for that stink! Perhaps it is time to get to cleaning....after a nap, of course.....

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