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Friday, February 25, 2011

Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed...

Our water is hooked up to what I can only assume to be well water, as the temperature that springs forth from the tap is the same temperature as Arctic waters with icebergs and polar bears. As I've wondered before: if the temperature is in direct correlation to the weather outside, should I prepare for boiling water temps in summer flowing from the "cold" side?
Yesterday went well. We received a note on the door from park management indicating we were in for severe weather with "tornadoes likely." If history is any indicator, God hates trailers (and RV's are included in this category). Where else gets more tornado damage than trailer parks? Nowhere. We did prepare just in case we needed to seek "sturdy" shelter, the tornado sirens did sound at 11:45, but no tornadoes. Thank goodness. Who wants to flee their home in the middle of the night in rain?
But before the joy of bad weather occurred in our humble home, we had nice weather which allowed the boys to go outside and play. It was during that time that our youngest son's artistic side decided to show itself. I walked around my car to find the small criminal standing guiltily aside my car, stick in hand, and scratches on two doors. The only words i will use a this time to express my feelings were horrified and furious. But he's still alive and breathing need to call social services. It's just metal, right?
Today was laundry day. I managed to gather enough quarters to wash four loads and dry three. I was one, count it one, quarter shy of a fourth load to dry. Twenty five cents shy!!! So as I write I look around the inside of the RV and bear witness to articles of clothing hanging to dry. Hey, hanging clothes to dry worked before electricity right?
Well, we are contemplating dining out this fine evening. Depending on the mood of the troops, we may have to postpone that adventure and eat in. Wouldn't be the first time!
So we managed to successfully go out to an Italian dinner with the whole family! It was peaceful and yummy. AND as an added bonus I discovered that one of Murphy's Laws is actually true: you will find something in the last place you (would never think to) look. I reached into the pocket of my leather jacket at dinner an produced four coins: a penny, two dimes, and A QUARTER! Ugh! If only I had thought to look there earlier!!!!

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