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Thursday, February 17, 2011

If you can't fix it with duct tape then you haven't used enough...

Apparently I found the station for the crazy train, bought a ticket, and jumped right on. Destination unknown, but something tells me they have straight jackets upon arrival. At some point I readily agreed to leave my large house with a fully fenced in back yard and separate bedrooms with doors that locked and move into a much smaller dwelling which does not have a fence or doors that lock or any privacy whatsoever! Perhaps admitting that I agreed to do this works against me in my insanity defense I foresee pleading in the coming months. Who knew. In the past months I have not slept past seven a.m. on any morning of the week and have been woken to various announcements. I quote: "Mommy I want apple juice" (yelled at optimal high levels), "Mommy I want two coins" (at an equally loud decibel), "Mom turn on AB Kids" (less of volume, a little confused on the request), and "Mommy my diaper has poop." I have no lock on my door. My door does not latch nor reach the floor, and closing it does no good anyway since this fine home we reside in has the noise conductivity of a concert hall.
I gave up any sense of self preservation when we left our home with a foundation. I have not had any time to myself that did not involve darkness outside or the strong desire for sleep. I seem to remember my children being able to entertain themselves not long ago, though that time has apparently come and gone. They're so needy! It's always something! When I don't hear my children's voices I hear other voices...this can't be good, can it? Perhaps the men in white coats cannot be too far off.
Perhaps I just need a good soak in a big tub. Alas, until that time comes I will continue to pray for sanity in whatever amounts the good Lord sees fit. Who knew it would take less than three months for the adventure that is RV living to catapult me that final distance into crazytown....

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