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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marriage is an is going to war.....

Today is beautiful, crisp, and the day decided upon to move the RV to a new slab. Since we were receiving very little direct sunlight at the angle of our other slab, we moved to an opposite angle. At least, I think that's why we moved. One can never be sure. Moving requires unhooking things, securing things, closing slides, and other various items to be attended to. It also requires re-leveling the camper. For some reason, I am more attuned to the fact that we often start off uneven and it takes time for me to convince the husband that this is true. Like now for instance. I told him (prior to him returning to work) that the camper was now higher on the left side than the right and we are tilted to one side. His response? "No we aren't, I did a water test." A what? What water test? I'm looking right now at a glass of apple juice on the counter that is not level within its container; it's slanted heavily to the right. Looks like a backslash. Is it a misshapen glass? Doubtful. The refrigerator door closes itself now. The bathroom door does not (they're on opposite sides of the camper). But I suppose I could be wrong about the whole level thing. Lord knows I'm not level within myself all the time! Maybe it's spilling out into the real world now!
It also took several attempts to get the camper straight on the slab. We tore up the gravel road and grass behind the slab trying to do so. I'm sure our neighbors will be so happy. We also got mud on the entire slab, it's quite lovely. Will I be able to sweep that off? Guess I'm gonna give it a try!
I must say that I'm so grateful for Girl Scout Cookie season because it has been Thin Mints that has gotten me through these days. I am still bucking against my doctor's diagnosis that I'm allergic to chocolate. Hmph. We'll just see about that. (I don't think I've ever spelled out the word "hmph" before.)
We had storms again yesterday. Brief, but severe. The tornado sirens sounded yet again. Didn't "tornado warning" used to mean actual tornadoes were spotted? Nowadays the weather people say there is "rotation" somewhere, something, blah blah...I believe they are crying wolf anymore. My in-laws have fire engines (in their town, not personally) whose sirens sound exactly like tornado sirens in the south. I'm sure I sounded like such a hillbilly when I first heard those sirens in Jersey and said, "Those tornado sirens?" I'm pretty sure there's no tornadoes in Pittman. But I could be wrong.
Back to the camper. We started out in our first campsite at lot 12. Then we were recently at 22. Now we have moved up to 32. As the Jefferson's used to say, "Movin' on up!"
The weather (am I really still talking about the weather) cannot make up its mind. It's hot, it's cold, it's stormy, it's nice. It's too much! It's too hot for the A/C some days, but just opening the windows doesn't always cut it! How is it that I have broken a sweat inside my home just sitting doing nothing? It was freaking February for crying out loud! This is not Florida!!!
Okay, the clock on the stove is angrily blinking at me demanding to be set. I guess that is all for today. Though I'm sure in the next few hours there will be more to report! Adieu!

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