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Thursday, April 21, 2011

The greater the value of the rug, the greater chance that the cat will throw up on it...

The bird poop was washed off during the storm. TJ lucked out. He said he needed to get up on the roof and clean the whole camper off; I think he was just waiting for the rain. But I could be wrong.
So today I have to go buy another vacuum. My suggestion to everyone is to buy stock in vacuum companies. Hoover, Bissell, buy them all. It's an insider trading tip from me. Because the rate I alone go through them is enough to make us all rich. I'm an equal opportunity destroyer! Our floors have accumulated crap for a few days now, and it's getting to me.The cat threw up on TJ's side of the bench at the table. I cleaned it up, but he's currently on a "need to know" status with household goings-ons.... It was only a matter of time til it happened anyway...
Last night as I lay in bed awaiting sleep I heard a loud noise next to us. It was an engine, that much I was certain of. What I could not pinpoint was whether we were getting a new neighbor or a spaceship was landing outside. I just couldn't be sure of which it was- it was that loud...Turned out to be a large motor home that I feel quite sure the owner did some fancy tweaking to the engine to make it sound that way. Have I mentioned it was exceptionally loud? Though now that I think about it, having a spaceship land next door would have made for a way better story.
There was another thunderstorm last night, and thus we got very little sleep due to the sheer amount of bodies in the bed. I'm surprised the slide out has not wilted more than it has so far. There's easily 450 pounds of person/animals/fur on that bed at any given time in these storms.
Well, the children have woken from their naps and I must make my daily pilgrimage to Walmart...

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