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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The person who said "anything is possible" never tried to nail jell-o to a tree...

We make decisions everyday. What to eat, what to wear, who to strangle. Things like that. It's inevitable. One thing, surprisingly though, I do not regret is the decision to live in our RV. Though that decision has been tested and tried as of late. If you'll take note it's been several weeks (not days) since I've been able to post. Many, many a thing has happened since then though the catalyst for no postings was a severe thunderstorm that lasted three days and knocked out the campground internet for weeks. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem but as for me it soon became on. Being how I started grad school and it is entirely online certainly poses a problem if no "online" exists. So back to the thunderstorms. We found out that both of our children and our retriever are scared of thunder. Who knew? One particularly loud clap that Friday night sent both boys screaming into our room which were followed by a shaking bed- that being the dog whom we could have named Coward. And this lovely interlude of bed buddies persisted for three nights. On the third night we nestled in (kid free) hoping for the best, only to hear "boom boom" as we shut of the TV for the night. I heard in the dark as my husband asked, "really?" So the week wears on, no sign of internet in sight, we settled in to endure the overcast skies and watch television. Somehow I feel like I'm forgetting something important in this time period, but at my age the best I can do is "hope" it comes back to me.
The tornado sirens have gone off twice since my last post. One particular time was late afternoon and I did in fact heed the warning. But only if I'd been smart about it. The siren sounds, I wake the three year old from his nap, slap shoes on both boys feet and the leash on the dog and trod to the wash house. The storm rolls in, yet again no tornado, but with it comes nasty rain, thunder, wind and hail. And guess who walked instead of driving to the safe area without a second thought of how to return? This girl. So we waited until the husband got home from work to come rescue us from our "safety." Sometimes my head is really just a hat rack.
On the same day as the previous incident happened I got a text stating that we were paid up for our RV lot until that Saturday, and that there were no more spaces available meaning we had to move. A moment of panic. Move where? I had not thought of a contingency plan to this little exercise. So in a panic I call around and discover that the Rocket and Space Center has an RV park. So four days ago we enlisted the help of a friend with a truck who could pull our camper and relocated to our new site. The downside is that this particular camp has no cable and no laundry facility that can do more than one load at a time. It's great. Really. Rustic. Yes, rustic is the word I shall use. So in our new rustic location we are now without television, luckily have purchased our own internet (and are now at the behest of AT&T), and get to do more things outside. With the bugs. Asa loves bugs, remember? He's so happy.
My husband also let my two young children flounder in mud puddles while I was taking an exam at a testing center which is only a problem because I have no laundry facility handy. Nice. So their muddy attire is in a bag awaiting transport to some facility where my nerves shall be tested and frayed while I wash and dry our clothes while wrangling the children to behave. It's good. It's good. No really.
Last night the husband spent the night away from home. So as a treat I let the boys sleep in our bed and watch a movie. It was hot, so I turned on the a/c. Or thought I did. What I actually turned on was the heat but since there is no heating element in the actual unit all we got was warm air. I was hot all night and could not for the life of me figure out why. But in my brilliant mind I didn't think to look up and make sure I'd turned on the a/c. Nope. It took the husband coming home this morning and pointing out my doofus mistake to make me realize again that sometimes the hair dye goes all way past the roots. 
One final note. Our new campsite is under a canopy of trees. It's lovely. Though those leaves are along the ground and they love both human and dog feet to catch rides from. And because of that we have vacuumed three three times so far today. Yes I said today. And all I can think of to say is thank goodness our electricity is included in our lot rent and not separate.

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