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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A man's go to do what a man's got to do. A woman must do what he can't...

Somehow we have moved to a beautiful area that has the worst of weather. It has freezing temperatures, snow, and ice in the winters. It has tornadoes, violent wind, thunderstorms with lightening and rain in the springtime. I think I remember the Bible stating that the next season was plagues and locusts. Or something like that.
Yes, before you ask, I'm about to discuss the weather further. Buckle up.
Yesterday was not particularly pretty nor was it stormy. For a while. It had some dark gray clouds, but the weather icon on the phone spoke nothing of a storm. As afternoon sank into early evening we noticed darker clouds rolling in, and we assumed it would rain. As we are grocery shopping in the ever-interesting-people infused retailer called Wal-Mart we heard the heavens open up and noticed that a thunderstorm had indeed passed over us. But as we checked out, all that remained were some dark clouds and sparse lightening. As we pulled into the campsite, however, we met a different sight. There were branches, limbs, and full trees down in the RV park. Our rocking chair (yes, we are 80 year old retired people apparently) was flipped over, but no real damage. One massive (Oak? Pine? Who knows) was pulled up from the roots and thrown across the road thirty feet from our home. Another was down not too far from that! And these were not dying or sickly trees. They were beautiful, green, and healthy. Where had this violent wind come from?! Surely there would have been an alert on the phone! Or at least a glimpse of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Now that I think back, security has gone door to door in the campground and informed us we were under a "tornado warning." But you know how I believe those anymore. Huh. Go figure. While we retained no damage other than about 750,000 leaves clinging to our camper, our neighbor was not so fortunate- they had failed to retract their awning and the wind ripped it off their camper. Good thing we brought ours in as the rain had begun to fall.
Okay. Enough of the weather.
I get to clean our carpets in a little while. We had to break down and buy a Little Green Machine steam cleaner because somebody's Golden Retriever had three poo accidents in less than 36 hours on our living area carpet. Why the carpet? Can someone explain that to me? There is perfectly good hard flooring two inches away for crying out loud! If he absolutely has to poop in the house, use there!!! Why the carpet?!? So now I get to crawl around and steam clean it in hopes that it comes clean.
I just spent half an hour outside picking up limbs and branches, sweeping the area in front of the camper, and removing leaves and debris from the outside of the RV. That's what I call...well, I'll call it a man's job for intents and purposes here- though anyone who truly knows me knows what I really call those kinds of jobs! I told my husband I had done it, and he said, "well last night I put the clean sheets on the bed and that's a woman's job, so we're even." Not hardly.
Daddy bought little man a new pair of dinosaur sunglasses last night. We got them home, even had possession of said glasses at breakfast this morning. Somehow between 8:00 breakfast and 8:43 out the door, the glasses were stolen by what I can only assume to be the camper troll and taken to his magical kingdom. The glasses are gone. I've scoured the camper and still cannot find them. This house is the size of a cracker box! Where else could they have gone?!? I guess maybe the camper troll is related to the dryer gnome and one day we will find out where they take all the socks and glasses. I can only hope....

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