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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon....

Our three year old is officially scared of bugs. Any and all bugs, apparently. Screams like his head is being cut off regardless if it's a stink bug or wasp. He does not discriminate. Bugs be warned.
It is a beautiful, gorgeous, amazingly incredible day outside. I've basked in the beauty of it under the retractable awning. The dog got a bath. I feel bad for the guy. There is no temperature gauge on the outdoor faucet so he is forced to take icy cold baths. Here's hoping my theory about the summertime water temperature is incorrect!
We took a stroll around the very populated RV park this afternoon. As we walked we happened upon a strange sight- a homemade RV. It was a regular bike-size trailer put on an extended flatbed trailer with what can only be described as a domed porta-potty behind it. Honestly I have no other words to describe it. It was incredibly creative, though I would not want to use it during wintertime. Who wants to wander outdoors in the ice and snow to pee?
I've noticed that people in RV parks tend to keep to themselves, which I find odd. To be in a camper speaks of some sort of adventure, yet no one goes out of their way to be neighborly. Oh well, I guess when I reach retirement age I may not want to talk to people either. There are some very interesting neighbors camped near us. One RV, let's just say it's heyday was during the time of Carter (maybe Reagan), has a picture of a surveillance camera mounted to the front of the bumper and a dazzling Dodge Neon with fascinating fixtures and lights mounted to it's rear in tow. A surveillance camera, really? Wouldn't want anyone to break in and see know what? I'm going to stop there.
We are grilling out tonight, so I prepared the chicken in individual foil wrappers and made potato salad and steamed asparagus. Apparently I wanted to see how many pots, pans, and utensils I could dirty for one meal. Mission accomplished: almost all of them! As I type there is no room on the "counter" as all the dishes are taking up the room to dry! Let it be noted that the husband has not washed nor put away a single dish since....well, years actually. But I guess that's what he has me for. However, it still amuses me when he has no idea where certain items are. Then again, I guess that's one of the best parts of marriage- the laughter!
My evil plot to turn my bedroom into a cave is almost complete. We have three windows in the bedroom, and as my eyes are incredibly sensitive to light I managed to put a car-window-sun-shield-thingy in the window over our head with very little resistance, but met some other resistance for the remaining two. After several sleepless nights in the beginning I convinced the spouse to place a dark towel over another window. Two days ago I placed a towel over the third (remaining) window and blamed it on the "three year old's nap time" needing darkness. Let's just say that the plot was uncovered and I won that battle- the cave stays put! Blissful, relaxing darkness reigns!
Well now there's a three year old yelling at me for apple juice. Stay tuned for another exciting episode of "Mommy I want apple juice!!!"

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