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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame!

Ah, the joys of Spring. The birds chirping, the flowers blooming, the pollen, the rain, the bees. Oh dear Lord the bees! We have two massive bees (wood bees? Carpenter bees? something like that) which have adopted our little slice of heaven here at the campground. They stand post outside our camper and chase away all smaller flying insects...and humans! They stare you down as you walk outside, just hovering, daring you to come closer. I only wish I was kidding. The boys are terrified of them, screaming "Biggle-bee Mommy! Biggle-bees!" And then, laughing of course, I correct them with "Bumblebees." Though their way is much cuter- and much more fun to say! Titus is our "beekeeper," as he chases after them chomping. I'm guessing one of two things: 1) they do not have stingers or 2) they value their lives. I'm not sure, but both seem like pretty true possibilities. Or else we would have had a dog with a bump on his bum.
Springtime also brings shedding time, so all three animals are losing their fur at incredible rates, causing me to have to vacuum (on my hands and knees) almost daily. And what about the "change of seasons?!" Two weeks of window-opening weather does not a springtime make! Now as I sit and type the air conditioner is whirring, as it's too stinking hot to open the windows during the day. Thank heavens I was born during this century, because had it been any other era I would have surely needed to be royalty to survive!
True to trailer-royalty form I have clothes outside drying on hangers and racks. I do not fully trust the pay dryers- they either shrink or fade almost everything. So anything we value must be air dried. I wonder if there are rules saying we aren't supposed to be doing that?
I suppose that is all for today. That floor isn't going to vacuum itself- trust me, I've waited! Stay tuned....

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