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Friday, March 25, 2011

Men like to barbecue. Men will do the cooking if danger is involved....

I'm a day behind for telling this new story, but better late than never. The forecast predicted thunderstorms and rain the other day, though all we got were clouds and a few showers late afternoon. Not a single lightning bolt or clap of thunder. Now I told you that story to tell you this one. Later that same day, at nine somethingorother (several minutes into Justified, which is why I remember), the "beep beep beep" annoying sound came on the television and the blue National Weather Service screen popped up to warn us of a tornado. But it wasn't raining. It wasn't thundering. It wasn't "weathering." We looked outside, saw no clouds. Saw the stars, actually. But the tornado sirens (remember the wolf cryers?) were wailing that a tornado was imminent. I look online, and sure enough there is a nasty little circle of a storm coming across the airport and heading our way. TJ and I hem-hawwed around, debating whether to change out of our jammies and wake up the boys. With so many false alarms lately, did we really have to get them out of bed? So we look outside and take note that many of the campers have emerged from their RV's and headed to the laundry facility. So my argument in the "for" category was that no one had paid attention before and sought shelter. And just our luck would have it had we not left the camper we would have been hit dead on by the tornado, had there been one. So we put on flip-flops, leashed the dog, wished the cats the best of luck, and toted two sleeping boys up to the impromptu neighborhood gathering. No one was inside, mind you. Still no clouds to be seen. Ten minutes later a young man comes to tell us the storm had passed exactly south of where we were and that the "all clear" had been given to go back home. By now I've missed a good half hour of my show, and realize I have to stay up to watch the encore presentation of it at ten. So I'm a little cranky. Surely there has to be a better way with this tornado warning mess. Chicken Little could only cry "the sky is falling" so many times til no one listened, and I very much am falling into that same category with this stuff.
The little storm brought back cold temperatures, and I kid you not when I say it was just that day that I had put away winter clothing and gear to welcome in spring. Ha. Learned my little lesson.
It will be just the boys and I on Saturday so I scanned the internet looking for "things to do." We flew kites last weekend, so what did I discover for this Saturday? The Peter Cottontail Train Ride. Sounds fun, right? Twelve bucks a piece! For thirty-six dollars I am sure we can find something else to do that doesn't involve me corralling two little boys by myself for half an hour. I'm sure it would be a matter of minutes before that train ride turned into the highway to hell for me. There I go again, being a glass half empty-er. Who knows. Maybe we will try the ride. But an adult dressed in a rabbit costume may scare the pants of the kids, Santa didn't go over too well the first couple of tries- and he gives gifts!!

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