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Thursday, March 10, 2011

No one needs a vacation more than the person who just had one....

So my husband asked me on multiple occasions whether or not I would blog about this past weekend. I ran through my mind trying to tie Daytona Bike Week to living in a camper, and the following is what I came up with (all by myself)...
We got to leave the confines of our house on wheels this weekend to live the luxurious life in the Hilton Garden Inn which we shared with two of our closest friends. It was 40 hours of blissful, kid-free, adult only time which went by way to fast and we enjoyed to the fullest possible extent. There was laughter and dancing (and yes, both of those went together), bike riding, beer, axe throwing, fabulously trash-tastic outfits, and an ER visit. The ER visit had nothing to do with the axe throwing as it turns out, though I believe the throwing of the boot may have been preempted subconsciously from said event. All in all, it gives me a great story and in truth a scar is a better souvenir than a t-shirt any day! 40 hours was not nearly enough, but I am so grateful to have had those hours and to have crammed as much fun in as possible. And if voraciously needing some small amount of adult only, away-from-kids time makes me a bad mom in some way then I suppose I'm guilty as charged. It only rained one of the three days, which happened to be during the ride from Dade City to Daytona, and thankfully the weather held up beautifully so that we were able to bask in the sun.
But would someone please explain to me why they had porta-potty attendants and we were supposed to PAY to pee?!? Hysterical!No one pays ME to attend to the potties here in Camp Hickey!!!! I digress....
We returned home to rain however. Wind howling, camper swaying, cold rain falling has been our welcome wagon. Which brings moisture. Which as everyone knows is my nemesis. It also brings laziness out in me, so while my housework and chores have been accomplished, I've hid indoors since Monday and have not escaped to the gym. Part of it is laziness, part of it is the superglue on my forehead that looks like a loogie. From what I gather it takes 7-10 days to come off. The perpetrator of the incident (whom I love dearly and hold harmless by the way) felt so bad saying, "I've scarred your face! I'm so sorry!" To which I replied, "I live in a freaking trailer in Alabama and stay home most all days! I'm 34! It's not like I had a modeling career! Who cares?!" It's just a good excuse to stay indoors til next Monday. I'm extending my "vacation" through the weekend, as it were. Looking forward to a relaxing and do-nothing weekend with the boys, with the weather "experts" predicting perfect temperatures and skies. Hmph. I'll hold my breath!
Now, back to interesting stories.
The boys have a toy holder that consists of five fabric boxes in a shelving system. It matches, it's not very space consuming, and it serves a good purpose. Unfortunately, it contains many many many small toys. And for them to find the one exact toy they want (which is always in the last box they look) they feel inclined to dump each one out on the floor. It's very messy. The amusing part to me is when I say the fateful words: "clean it up," they always respond with "help me!" Ha!  And it always happens that after a bit I end of doing it. Huh, maybe that story wasn't as interesting as I thought!
Well, our refrigerator is bare except for one tortilla, condiments, diet soda, and milk. I suppose it's time to make that list and refill the necessities. May the grocery store be simple and the children good!

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