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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Every morning is the dawn of a new error...

We escaped the RV for a bit today. Partly because of cabin fever, partly because that RedBox DVD which started out to be one dollar was gaining strength and becoming more expensive and had to be returned. So we went to walk the abandoned mall and expel some energy from the kids. As I type this the three year old is at my side saying "there's poop coming out. There's more poop coming out, here smell..." Potty training is not going so well with this one. I digress. We spent the better part of yesterday trying to figure out how to hook up the Wii to the internet/dvd player/tv so that we can "watch instantly" new movies. It did not go well, to say the least. I don't have space in my brain to figure out how that is supposed to work. The hard drive that is my mind is almost at max capacity, and I don't want to waste what little space I have left with the Netflix/Wii connection file.
As I lay in bed this afternoon watching tv I said that I was tempted to go to the gym. The husband said okay, but not to go too late so as to let the roads ice over. After half an hour of internal deliberation I packed my gym bag and set off, a little worried how things would go while I was gone. I think it went fine, it was only an hour and a half...the four year old almost had a poop accident in his pants which irritated his father, but other than that I think it went fine.
The snow is becoming slush during the day and ice at night, which is a crappy outcome of snowstorms. We are all longing for warmer weather. Wintertime is not the best of seasons to embark on these such adventures. The only one who truly enjoyed the snow was the dog, but he's not that smart so he doesn't count. I stand corrected. He is smart, he just chooses when and where to be so.
Selective smartness, very much resembles selective hearing. Well, the hubby has figured out how to make movies play off his portable hard drive so I guess that's it for today. Many happy returns!

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