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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I am planning to be more spontaneous in the future...

Nineteen is not a temperature, it's barely an age. But that was the temperature I awoke to this morning, sun shining, and snow falling. The Weather Channel said it felt like nine. FELT like nine. Where in the world did we move to? Craziness I tell you.
Why does the propane have to go out in the middle of the night? And on the coldest night at that? 12:45 a muted alarm/horn-like sound awoke me, so I nudged TJ to check it out. I thought maybe it was the carbon monoxide monitor going off. Nope, just the propane tank empty. He asked if it could wait to be changed until the morning. I simply looked at him- maybe a bit scornfully. Poor guy put on his robe and boots and traipsed into the snow to change the tank over. I went back to my warm bed. The kids and dog never budged.
I have to do laundry today. There is no avoiding it, unless I want to go but more pants for the kids and undies for us. I'm not very excited about this. Rarely am I excited about laundry though. At some point I think I'll take the kids somewhere to let them run around, inside of course. It's too damn cold to be outside.
The dog keeps begging to go out. I let him out. He begs to come back in. I let him in. Ten minutes later he whines to go back out. It's an endless loop, so I finally tell him "no." He's not very happy with me.
It's only noon- not even. I wonder what other excitement we will experience as the day progresses. Stay tuned!

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