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Sunday, January 9, 2011

It looks as if hell had an auction....

Since becoming a mother, everything in my life has had an extra amount of moisture added to it. Since living in the RV, that moisture seems to have become permanent. I cannot believe how much condensation accumulates on our windows! There is only one word to describe it: absurd. Just breathing seems to make it happen, and even our dehumidifier has thrown up its hands in defeat! I feel like the old timers in the park just watch us and giggle, as if there is some secret remedy that we just have not figured out yet and they would lose their entertainment value (in us) if they were to share said secret! Just one more addition to the things we have learned on this road to simplification (haha, right).
I woke up this morning, fed the crew, brewed the coffee, then settled back into my bed to watch the news. Before settling in I turned on the heater in our room to add warmth. Then, as predictable as the tides, the circuit tripped and the tv, clock radio, heater, and everything in the living room shut off as well. "Hon, did you turn on the heater?" I hear from the living room. Why yes, yes I did. He resets the breaker then comes in with a stern look on his face. "What? Am I not supposed to use the heater we bought for warmth?" I ask. He tells me no, no I am not. If I use the heater in the bedroom at the same time the heater in the living room is going then apparently the moon gets off its orbit, causing the rivers to flow the wrong way and birds to fall from the sky, which somehow affects our ability to run two heaters at the same time (or something like that, I stopped listening once I figured out I was in trouble). So if you want to be warm in our tiny little nest in this world, you have to all be in the same room. Because goodness knows, I don't want to be responsible for any planetary malfunction that could occur from my desire to be warm!
Now, our bedroom has three (count them three) windows to the outside world. The standard shades that come pre-installed do very little to deter any beam of light which comes through. And me, being the light sleeper I am, had had enough. I bought foil to cover certain windows in the RV as to avoid light and in the summertime, heat. As I'm installing the foil over the window above our bed the husband asks me, "are you really doing that right now?" Yes I am. He tells me that it is going to look so tacky. Really? I'M concerned with TACKY at an RV park? Seriously. I tell him to hush and that if he has a better idea that I'd love to hear it. Needless to say, the foil collage which I meshed together and taped (yes taped) around the window held up for one night. Looks like it's back to the drawing board to design a better deterrent against the light. RV=2, Me=1 (or something like that, I've lost count). Now I patiently await the snowstorm that will undoubtedly make my world that much more moist, as I try to decide which color I would like to order my straight-jacket in.

1 comment:

  1. Personally if I were to have a straight jacket, I would get it in purple. BUT I firmly believe that black goes with everything.... So I vote BLACK with maybe a little glitter for an extra something to keep you crazy :) Oh.... I did think of one positive to all the moisture in the RV! Plants I think they would do very well with all the moisture in the air, so there ya go. The glass is half full.
    P.S. I'm burning my candle and thinking of spring
